AwakenedLands Forums

Full Version: for sale 750,000 message me in game
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Composite Armor - B4C
Little Roach moving up in the world!
I am not that little no more lol i can beat you dreadwind and you have been playing longer than me lol Smile chhersSmirk
Cheers, wait you aren't in beer store no more:/
Did anyone else read that as 750,000 messages for sale?
(2016.Sep.13 03:23 AM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ]Did anyone else read that as 750,000 messages for sale?

Yes! And I really hate having to admit that! However i was thinking WTF?!?

Being dyslexic allows me to read all sorts of interesting 'messages' into things. Eek
I dont believe in Dog either
Oh and how much if i only wanted to buy around 10k messages?
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