we've reached the bottom, or the top? idk. wtf am i talking about you ask? well....me and TheGen have maxed out on ACC and DEX. it wont increase when we train it. pretty stupid. what does this mean?
guess ill be hosping everyone...including the closest people to my stat level, so they wont catch us for nothing.
or fuck it, maybe i can finally quit.
ID Name Level Minutes Reason
7430 DM randomjacker 70 347 Hospitalized by Conrad1103.
5673 DM vInDicaTed 71 296 Hospitalized by Conrad1103.
4597 -X- tehpwnerer 60 285 Hospitalized by Conrad1103.
29790 }SA{ Mac 63 235 Hospitalized by Conrad1103.
4488 SV pUn 71 107 Hospitalized by Conrad1103.
ok now im bored. maybe its time to quit.
8 years to max out 2 stats isn't really that bad it means the game takes a long time to complete.
I was waiting for it. Perhaps now you can go on with your pop career.
10:33 pm Conrad1103 hospitalized you.
(2016.Jan.12 10:35 PM)deathishere Wrote: [ -> ]I was waiting for it. Perhaps now you can go on with your pop career.
10:33 pm Conrad1103 hospitalized you.
(2016.Jan.12 10:26 PM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]8 years to max out 2 stats isn't really that bad it means the game takes a long time to complete.
my first and only game like this. guess so. id imagine that it would be simple to make this last longer. but i think one of my first comments / questions ever on this forum was, "how do you win?" perhaps followed by, "this is stupid".
Thanks to my email to admin.
Current Version : 0.9.20160112r141 Server Uptime : 2118 days, 10 hours, 10 minutes
16.January.12 -- Gym training values reached a max value for a couple of players. Updated database to allow for higher values.
(2016.Jan.13 07:00 AM)backfromhell Wrote: [ -> ]Should of asked for more
A free pony?
(2016.Jan.13 07:00 AM)backfromhell Wrote: [ -> ]Should of asked for more
Random question, is your name a reference to the bodybuilder? I've been curious since I first saw your name but never asked