Why the fuck do you people stay in a gang when half your gang members and your president have been inactive for 100+ days.
Valhalla or habitat or killer bees?
(2015.Dec.26 02:12 PM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]Valhalla or habitat or killer bees?
They have like 6 or so members active, like don't you get bored?
Can't be any worse than us all being in a game with an inactive admin

Bees have like $30mil of my money from when I left those years ago.
Could be stubbornness. A lot of those people have been there since they made there account, some 2000+ days in a gang. I'm sure after spending so much time in one gang, they're not gonna leave so easily. Then there's just the question of what's the point in leaving? Game is on the decline anyways, might as well stick with where you've been the whole time.