Actually if one of my multis could play for me Monday afternoon...I have surgery that day.
What about multiple personalities ?
What about multiple orgasms?
(2016.Jan.21 01:55 PM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]What about multiple orgasms?
If you have multiple personalities and have an orgasm, does that count as multiple orgasms?
Zyzz ex girl friend had multiple personalities. Some times she was the man
(2016.Jan.21 07:22 PM)deathishere Wrote: [ -> ]Zyzz ex girl friend had multiple personalities. Some times she was the man
Not a nice way to talk about your mum.
^^^still he has it....

(2016.Jan.17 06:08 AM)deathishere Wrote: [ -> ]Dissidence were big multis.
No we weren't. The main core group of us grew up together, and probably lived within 2 miles of one another at that time.