2007.Aug.01, 02:26 PM
- Fixed combat log bug where incorrect damage was being recorded and both players were OVER the other's max hit points. It was recording both final hits, but the player who had won initiative was the victor.
- Fixed defender issue where some bonuses were not being recorded correctly. This will affect hospitalizations, brutalizations, and gang bonuses. This is not a code change or tweak, but merely a fix of what was intended (but players WILL see differences).
- Fixed defender weapon bug where it wasn't selecting the best weapon in all instances. The more you select hospitalize against the same target in a 24-hour period, the greater chance that player has of fending off the attack.
- Fixed bug where gangs earned negative gang points when winning a war in some instances.
- Added the "defenders last action prior to attack" on individual attack log pages (not available for older attacks however).
- Hospital times have been cut back relative to how many attacks made against the same opponent.
- Fixed formatting issues on the attackresults page for Opera browsers.
- When choosing "hospitalize" when attacking, the defender sees a slight defensive bonus.
- Cleaned up the friends and enemies list pages. Cleaned up events page.
- Optimized numerous pages to improve website performance.
- Due to some bug issues (now fixed), some event notices have been deleted (5-minute timeframe around 2:50am or so).
- Fixed potential exploit with gym. As usual, we don't detail exploit fixes.
- Mail in your outbox can now be deleted.
- The outbox mail list now resembles the inbox mail list in function, and allows individual deletion of mails.
- Added active player numbers to the left-side menu for friends and enemies lists.
- Fixed mass mail issue.
- Added online / offline / away status messages to the gang list. The status is based on the latest action by a member in each gang.
- Added "Hours Worked Today" and "Overtime Hours Worked Today" on the careers page.
- Added player online status to gang-member lists.
- Implemented our new career code to replace the archaic jobs system.
- Fixed mailbox issue where a previous exploit fix altered the display of some mails into a unreadable message.
- Fixed gang-war surrender issue where surrenders were not being erased from the surrender list after a war was ended through combat.
- Defending a gang hideout will have a slightly different look in terms of effectiveness.
- Defending is more on par with attacking overall in gang wars.
- Fixed hideout refresh bug for gangs over 50% defense rating.
- Gangs can only declare war when they are attackable by other gangs, meaning they must also have at least 50% of their hideout defense rating.
- Added war history to the gang page, replacing the dreaded "leave gang" link. This page shows the last 25 gang wars completed, along with the appropriate gang points earned, total damage dealt, and total damage received during the war for each war listed.
- Added individual war summary for gangs to view what their gang members contributed to war efforts. Summaries are accessible via the new gang history pages by clicking the summary link.
- Fixed issue with Panthon Gang Points earned in War where addition of all points was not being taken into account for certain gangs.
- Fixed bug in the Pantheon for the "Gang Points Earned in War" section where it was showing incorrect gang names in some places.
- Boosted gang point earnings in war. Gangs get bonus points when their opponents aren't sent to the hospital during and just prior to the war beginning.
- Gangs cannot declare war on gangs that have their members in the hospital.
- Hideouts now refresh when the hideout is above 50% defense rating. This refresh rate is generally slower than the under-50% rate. Hideout refresh rating adds to this number.
- Added rankings for gang points earned in war to the Pantheon of Infamy.
- Fixed gang app bug where it was saying you cannot accept applications to the gang when at war even if you were no longer in war.
- When in war, and in the hospital, players can now help plan defense strategies for their hideout by using action points.
- Players now receive events when a gang declares war on them.
- Fixed typo on fight-log page.
- Fixed issue where a player was in both the hospital and jail at the same time due to an organized crime failure combined with a simultaneous attack.
- The bug fix also eliminates players "help" if they are in the hospital or jail when an organized crime's time is up.
- Added new gang combat code and eliminated old gang combat code.
- Added a non-war Hideout Repair link to the gang page.
- Added a (x) number by the "Your Gang" link in the main menu when you are at war. The x designates how many wars you are currently in.
- Fixed issue where gangs could not kick a player after they had finished a war.
- You can no longer "repair" a hideout in perfect condition. Doing so previously was just a waste of action points.
- Added gang hideout defense status bar on main "Your Gang" page.
- Added total apparent damage done to opponents in the gang attack drowdown list. Gangs listed will have a positive or negative number to inform attackers how much apparent damage has been caused to the opponent.
- Added opponent's hideout status on the gang-war page for current warring gangs to see.
- Added current gang points to gang summary page.
- Added "momentum" display to the public gang-wars list to signify the gang that has the upper hand in the war at that moment.
- Added some things to the wealth calculation code in the Pantheon. Some may have moved up or down the list a bit.