who has my boomstick shotgun... I gave it to balthazaar n he sold it to someone else... can I noe Hu has the shotgun currently???
How long ago? Far as i know thats been gone for a loooooong time.
Considering IVE BEEN ASKING ABOUT IT FOR 5 YEARS. Fuckin stingy ass people make me sick. No one ever spoke up ever when i was lookin for it. Cock suckers.
Who'd u buy it from?
bro I had the gun for ovr a year in 2010 later wen I had to leave I gave it to my best frnd in game... he has sold it to someone n he don't reply to my mails then.... but still I gave da gun to dat asshole to keep it n later return wen I'm bck again but he has sold it...
You should ask people in the game where it's at, not forum dwellers. Someone will know.
For whatever reason, I thought pornking had it, last I knew of it's whereabouts.
Why the fuck would i have it i dont buy that shit
Don't ask me. I just thought it.
Maybe because you were laughing.
I was laughing cause he called someone a asshole
Doubt it - Nice of you to try and elaborate, though.
Could you come back to rural? I was going to crush you again.

No i would. Like you to fall on hard times again so i wont so you have spend to hit me im in ma if you looking