(2014.Sep.19 05:44 AM)Maccleod Wrote: [ -> ] (2014.Sep.18 10:59 PM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]Shaunos been carrying them. Caine got me a few times and mega a few times. But it wasnt until shauno rejoined them that hosps were particularly noticeable. Idk who mac is hittin to be so high on the poi i think hes maybe got me 4 times this whole scrimmage.
September 18, 2014 @ 2:51:48 pm Mac Hosp 10 0 Win
September 18, 2014 @ 9:21:24 am Mac Hosp 9 0 Win
September 16, 2014 @ 7:34:35 pm Mac Hosp 7 449 Win
September 16, 2014 @ 5:14:36 pm Mac Hosp 9 0 Win
September 16, 2014 @ 2:58:03 pm Mac Hosp 7 1 Win
September 16, 2014 @ 2:01:30 pm Mac Hosp 6 0 Win
September 15, 2014 @ 6:31:28 am Mac Hosp 10 0 Win
September 14, 2014 @ 2:26:28 pm Mac Hosp 8 0 Win
September 14, 2014 @ 10:10:24 am Mac Hosp 11 18 Win
September 13, 2014 @ 7:03:00 pm Mac Hosp 11 0 Win
September 12, 2014 @ 6:51:22 pm Mac Hosp 5 0 Win
September 12, 2014 @ 5:30:44 pm Mac Hosp 6 0 Win
September 10, 2014 @ 3:42:17 pm Mac Hosp 10 151 Win
September 10, 2014 @ 3:05:05 am Mac Hosp 6 0 Win
September 9, 2014 @ 5:03:42 pm Mac Hosp 12 0 Win
September 7, 2014 @ 2:50:27 pm Mac Hosp 8 0 Win
You should have paid more attention at school Mick, your counting is a bit off 
Add another 1 to that as well.
I no can math good?
Its just nice that ur sharing me more with the others this time around. Add this to ur list too...
Round 1
Mac hits SecretFingerJutsu for 221 damage. SecretFingerJutsu resists 118 for a total of 103 damage.
SecretFingerJutsu misses Mac!
Mac strikes SecretFingerJutsu with his weapon for 395 damage. SecretFingerJutsu resists 44 for a total of 351 damage!
Round 2
Mac hits SecretFingerJutsu for 299 damage. SecretFingerJutsu resists 106 for a total of 193 damage.
SecretFingerJutsu misses Mac!
Round 3
Mac hits SecretFingerJutsu for 313 damage. SecretFingerJutsu resists 85 for a total of 228 damage.
SecretFingerJutsu misses Mac!
Mac strikes SecretFingerJutsu with his weapon for 106 damage. SecretFingerJutsu resists 37 for a total of 69 damage!
Round 4
Mac hits SecretFingerJutsu for 1702 damage. SecretFingerJutsu resists 70 for a total of 1632 damage.
Mac defeated SecretFingerJutsu.
You got smoked by Mac.
A snitch?
A what cunt?
I got told I wasn't trusted in 420 so I left, you told me to go join DD. I did so, that gang has to be the shittest gang I have ever been in. I have been friends with Megatron and Zyzz since I started the game, so I obviously joined here.
All I have ever done for 420 is get a fuck tone of gang points. Your joke doesn't even make any sense? A gang hopper with no legs? I clearly have legs you brain dead cunt.
If I could go through more then our 10 last messages I could go back to that fishy message of you hinting you have a multi. It's so obvious now that the leader of 420 and DD IS THE SAME PERSON!
Also stop hiding in the level 50 district EVERYTIME you're in a hosp war, try taking the hits like the rest of your gang. Read the game rules about having only ONE, 1, I account and stop sending me marvel avengers requests on Facebook.
Wait so who are u saying is bigrods multi? Also will u play marvel with me? I trust u still. Did u ever get a headset for ps 3 or wil we be commnticating with jumps and crouchs?
Did u change accounts? I dont see ur ssxdread on ever
And for the record, zyzz, ur hurtin my feelings sayin kgb the only one doin anything. That hurts bro
Opponent(s) Type Result Rounds Hits Inflicted Taken Resisted Best
Mac Zerk Loss 4 0 0 2,576 460 0
2XS Zerk Win 20 15 3,576 1,733 959 331
2XS Leave Win 10 8 2,992 954 446 822
Zyzz Zerk Win 11 9 2,701 1,980 268 922
2XS Zerk Win 9 9 3,020 820 442 1063
RollTideRoll Hosp Win 7 6 1,524 1 35 322
BadAssAttitude Hosp Win 12 11 2,237 1,652 474 337
Ironman Hosp Win 4 4 1,778 0 0 1021
BadAssAttitude Hosp Win 10 8 2,108 1,952 599 333
RollTideRoll Hosp Win 7 6 1,491 1 34 269
drhorrible Leave Win 12 9 2,907 562 434 1048
BrewMaster Hosp Win 17 15 3,590 1,773 645 353
SweetieXo Leave Win 5 4 1,128 1 8 333
Slade Hosp Win 4 3 857 1 11 331
SweetieXo Hosp Win 5 5 1,161 1 31 253
Burris Hosp Win 2 2 1,360 1 1 1110
BadAssAttitude Hosp Win 10 8 2,209 1,465 428 651
Caine Zerk Loss 9 6 1,843 2,948 775 691
Myrgin Hosp Win 3 3 1,205 0 0 664
BadAssAttitude Hosp Win 8 7 2,013 775 581 489
Slade Leave Win 3 3 930 1 21 432
SweetieXo Hosp Win 5 5 1,144 0 0 255
ZdenoCober Zerk Loss 10 7 1,552 2,680 805 268
ZdenoCober Leave Loss 10 5 1,376 2,499 337 323
Dreadwind Hosp Win 5 5 2,044 0 0 1129
DemonSpirit Hosp Win 6 6 2,307 42 39 990
Dreadwind Hosp Win 9 9 2,168 64 222 330
Ironman Hosp Win 3 3 1,587 149 61 1035
BadAssAttitude Hosp Win 15 11 2,394 1,934 344 290
InsaneClown Hosp Win 8 6 1,815 30 74 434
Ironman Hosp Win 5 5 2,189 0 0 1037
Boush The Tinker Hosp Win 14 10 2,984 530 246 367
TheHappyHammer Mug Win 11 5 2,473 1,955 310 1071
Nightwind Hosp Win 12 11 3,262 479 224 385
ShadowLady Hosp Win 4 4 1,858 0 0 886
2XS Zerk Win 12 10 3,020 642 203 345
RollTideRoll Hosp Win 3 3 1,494 0 0 1013
SweetieXo Hosp Win 5 5 1,275 1 21 286
DemonSpirit Hosp Win 12 10 2,455 103 47 298
BadAssAttitude Hosp Win 22 13 2,973 2,264 411 304
SonGoku Hosp Win 7 7 2,226 0 0 951
Dreadwind Hosp Win 9 8 2,282 67 35 632
SonGoku Hosp Win 7 6 2,080 1 16 938
Zyzz Zerk Win 12 10 2,442 1,168 606 321
BrewMaster Hosp Win 9 7 2,983 333 94 1011
Luigi Hosp Win 7 7 1,782 1 32 343
Sin Zerk Win 15 13 3,971 1,696 718 992
Avaron Hosp Win 4 3 1,394 1 32 948
2XS Zerk Win 17 13 2,969 1,308 760 270
BadAssAttitude Hosp
Thats just since early yesterday moring
I honesty thought I put your name. In... whoopsy. Lemme fix tgat.
Deadman. You're a bitch. Without kgb and mick. Your gang would look like shit in this hosp war.
Ps wats ur name on ps3 mick?
(2014.Sep.19 08:34 AM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]Did u change accounts? I dont see ur ssxdread on ever
And for the record, zyzz, ur hurtin my feelings sayin kgb the only one doin anything. That hurts bro
Opponent(s) Type Result Rounds Hits Inflicted Taken Resisted Best
Mac Zerk Loss 4 0 0 2,576 460 0
2XS Zerk Win 20 15 3,576 1,733 959 331
2XS Leave Win 10 8 2,992 954 446 822
Zyzz Zerk Win 11 9 2,701 1,980 268 922
2XS Zerk Win 9 9 3,020 820 442 1063
RollTideRoll Hosp Win 7 6 1,524 1 35 322
BadAssAttitude Hosp Win 12 11 2,237 1,652 474 337
Ironman Hosp Win 4 4 1,778 0 0 1021
BadAssAttitude Hosp Win 10 8 2,108 1,952 599 333
RollTideRoll Hosp Win 7 6 1,491 1 34 269
drhorrible Leave Win 12 9 2,907 562 434 1048
BrewMaster Hosp Win 17 15 3,590 1,773 645 353
SweetieXo Leave Win 5 4 1,128 1 8 333
Slade Hosp Win 4 3 857 1 11 331
SweetieXo Hosp Win 5 5 1,161 1 31 253
Burris Hosp Win 2 2 1,360 1 1 1110
BadAssAttitude Hosp Win 10 8 2,209 1,465 428 651
Caine Zerk Loss 9 6 1,843 2,948 775 691
Myrgin Hosp Win 3 3 1,205 0 0 664
BadAssAttitude Hosp Win 8 7 2,013 775 581 489
Slade Leave Win 3 3 930 1 21 432
SweetieXo Hosp Win 5 5 1,144 0 0 255
ZdenoCober Zerk Loss 10 7 1,552 2,680 805 268
ZdenoCober Leave Loss 10 5 1,376 2,499 337 323
Dreadwind Hosp Win 5 5 2,044 0 0 1129
DemonSpirit Hosp Win 6 6 2,307 42 39 990
Dreadwind Hosp Win 9 9 2,168 64 222 330
Ironman Hosp Win 3 3 1,587 149 61 1035
BadAssAttitude Hosp Win 15 11 2,394 1,934 344 290
InsaneClown Hosp Win 8 6 1,815 30 74 434
Ironman Hosp Win 5 5 2,189 0 0 1037
Boush The Tinker Hosp Win 14 10 2,984 530 246 367
TheHappyHammer Mug Win 11 5 2,473 1,955 310 1071
Nightwind Hosp Win 12 11 3,262 479 224 385
ShadowLady Hosp Win 4 4 1,858 0 0 886
2XS Zerk Win 12 10 3,020 642 203 345
RollTideRoll Hosp Win 3 3 1,494 0 0 1013
SweetieXo Hosp Win 5 5 1,275 1 21 286
DemonSpirit Hosp Win 12 10 2,455 103 47 298
BadAssAttitude Hosp Win 22 13 2,973 2,264 411 304
SonGoku Hosp Win 7 7 2,226 0 0 951
Dreadwind Hosp Win 9 8 2,282 67 35 632
SonGoku Hosp Win 7 6 2,080 1 16 938
Zyzz Zerk Win 12 10 2,442 1,168 606 321
BrewMaster Hosp Win 9 7 2,983 333 94 1011
Luigi Hosp Win 7 7 1,782 1 32 343
Sin Zerk Win 15 13 3,971 1,696 718 992
Avaron Hosp Win 4 3 1,394 1 32 948
2XS Zerk Win 17 13 2,969 1,308 760 270
BadAssAttitude Hosp
Thats just since early yesterday moring
Mick you need to ask for help with your math
Only 5 attacks in the past 24 hours, unless the POI is wrong ?
Top 50 Most Active Attackers (Last 24 Hours)
Rank User Attacks
31 420 SecretFingerJutsu 5
My bad its since the 15th. Watevs, i havent had no weed since august my thought proceas is different
I gotta hand it to Mac, He may be a pompass ass, but he has put a lot of work into his gang. If he want's to be shallow and petty... he at least attacks even if it sends him backwards. Give my regards to RJ and Conrad...
(2014.Sep.19 08:11 AM)Dreadwind Wrote: [ -> ]A snitch?
A what cunt?
I got told I wasn't trusted in 420 so I left, you told me to go join DD. I did so, that gang has to be the shittest gang I have ever been in. I have been friends with Megatron and Zyzz since I started the game, so I obviously joined here.
All I have ever done for 420 is get a fuck tone of gang points. Your joke doesn't even make any sense? A gang hopper with no legs? I clearly have legs you brain dead cunt.
If I could go through more then our 10 last messages I could go back to that fishy message of you hinting you have a multi. It's so obvious now that the leader of 420 and DD IS THE SAME PERSON!
Also stop hiding in the level 50 district EVERYTIME you're in a hosp war, try taking the hits like the rest of your gang. Read the game rules about having only ONE, 1, I account and stop sending me marvel avengers requests on Facebook.
You STILL don't listen or comprehend what you are told. Are you the hall monitor at your school? Our distrust was well warranted obviously. I may pick and chose when I hit or when I am needed... BUT AT LEAST I DON'T LEAVE WHEN THE HOSPING STARTS!!!
Strike 3, you're outta there!!! Welcome back to the 9th circle...
(2014.Sep.19 01:11 PM)deadmanwalking Wrote: [ -> ]I gotta hand it to Mac, He may be a pompass ass, but he has put a lot of work into his gang. If he want's to be shallow and petty... he at least attacks even if it sends him backwards. Give my regards to RJ and Conrad...
(2014.Sep.19 08:11 AM)Dreadwind Wrote: [ -> ]A snitch?
A what cunt?
I got told I wasn't trusted in 420 so I left, you told me to go join DD. I did so, that gang has to be the shittest gang I have ever been in. I have been friends with Megatron and Zyzz since I started the game, so I obviously joined here.
All I have ever done for 420 is get a fuck tone of gang points. Your joke doesn't even make any sense? A gang hopper with no legs? I clearly have legs you brain dead cunt.
If I could go through more then our 10 last messages I could go back to that fishy message of you hinting you have a multi. It's so obvious now that the leader of 420 and DD IS THE SAME PERSON!
Also stop hiding in the level 50 district EVERYTIME you're in a hosp war, try taking the hits like the rest of your gang. Read the game rules about having only ONE, 1, I account and stop sending me marvel avengers requests on Facebook.
You STILL don't listen or comprehend what you are told. Are you the hall monitor at your school? Our distrust was well warranted obviously. I may pick and chose when I hit or when I am needed... BUT AT LEAST I DON'T LEAVE WHEN THE HOSPING STARTS!!!
Strike 3, you're outta there!!! Welcome back to the 9th circle...
do you even read what you type?
and about the earlier post.....
flattery will get ya nowhere