2014.Jun.17, 10:45 AM
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2014.Jun.17, 01:50 PM
wired to account this time?
2014.Jun.17, 01:53 PM
wired to conrad to cover the hits from last time lol
2014.Jun.17, 03:25 PM
yous are both stupied or cant you read I was in a transaction dumb fucks
2014.Jun.17, 07:10 PM
So to break it down, and the reason what pornkng did was on par with triadboy and should be treated as such is...
Pornking didnt just buy a listing and mug him. He arranged to but creds and prolly with an attack screen tab open for mug purchased and mugged with extreme prejudice
It'd be different if unkaged just made a listing unprotected, but if u cant trust the guy ur gave a deal to not to mug you, why does he deserve a deal at all?
Pornking didnt just buy a listing and mug him. He arranged to but creds and prolly with an attack screen tab open for mug purchased and mugged with extreme prejudice
It'd be different if unkaged just made a listing unprotected, but if u cant trust the guy ur gave a deal to not to mug you, why does he deserve a deal at all?
2014.Jun.17, 09:38 PM
What fucking deal you talking about there was non get of the drugs mick all i did was mug him after buying the credits.
From the market.
From the market.
2014.Jun.17, 10:04 PM
Well then whats all the fuss about? If nothing shadier than a normal credit mug happened why all the stink? Either way i would expect to be hosped just cuz its wranglers. Tha was just a bad judgement call.
2014.Jun.18, 01:32 AM
Its because conrad hosp me if there was a fuss
2014.Jun.18, 07:42 AM
(2014.Jun.17 09:38 PM)pornking Wrote: [ -> ]What fucking deal you talking about there was non get of the drugs mick all i did was mug him after buying the credits.
From the market.
you full of shit pornking it like 30min later dumb fuck
(2014.Jun.18 07:42 AM)UNKAGED Wrote: [ -> ](2014.Jun.17 09:38 PM)pornking Wrote: [ -> ]What fucking deal you talking about there was non get of the drugs mick all i did was mug him after buying the credits.
From the market.
you full of shit pornking it like 30min later dumb fuck
your just trying to make your self look good pussy

2014.Jun.18, 09:39 AM
Dont know what or whos crack you been sucking on but it was not. The only reasonm talking about this is cause you cant fight your own battles had to get some one other to do it for you where you should have said dont worry a bout it i got this but sadly no
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