(2014.Jun.15 11:41 AM)pornking Wrote: [ -> ]Sad sack of shit he up set that i bought his credits then mug him for600k then he hosp me i got no weapons or iteams on then we send a few mails back and fourth then he mailblockeds me what a whore then he gets con rad to hosp me thums up con you da man then he tells me he did get him to do it bull shit i say
your a joke gayporn king mac mugs me to but I cant just hosp him now can I fagboy and you mailed me and I blocked you boowhoo and for the record any normal person would hosp your dumb ass or anyone for that matter if they mugged you and you can do something bout it like you said dumbass its part of the game and CONGRATS to Conrad for hosping you he did it at hes own free will like I told you in our mails I don't need anyone to hosp you I can do that myself you should stop talking shit.
and that is all for me have a nice day.
(2014.Jun.16 01:34 AM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ]should have had it wired to him. his bad fucking luck.
it was dumb ass I was in midest of a transaction when he mugged me he just got lucky now he thinks hes the man bawhahaha maybe when you get millions like mac and some others cant remember them all. then you an post shit like this 600k aint shit to me.

Combat v24
Round 1
pornkingintraining hits UNKAGED for 183 damage. UNKAGED resists 119 for a total of 64 damage.
UNKAGED misses pornkingintraining!
Round 2
pornkingintraining hits UNKAGED for 236 damage. UNKAGED resists 169 for a total of 67 damage.
UNKAGED misses pornkingintraining!
pornkingintraining headbutts UNKAGED for 65 damage. UNKAGED resists 20 for a total of 45 damage!
Round 3
pornkingintraining hits UNKAGED for 146 damage. UNKAGED resists 89 for a total of 57 damage.
UNKAGED misses pornkingintraining!
pornkingintraining headbutts UNKAGED for 76 damage. UNKAGED resists 13 for a total of 63 damage!
Round 4
pornkingintraining hits UNKAGED for 158 damage. UNKAGED resists 73 for a total of 85 damage.
UNKAGED hits pornkingintraining for 159 damage. pornkingintraining resists 28 for a total of 131 damage.
Round 5
pornkingintraining misses UNKAGED!
UNKAGED misses pornkingintraining!
Round 6
pornkingintraining hits UNKAGED for 185 damage. UNKAGED resists 111 for a total of 74 damage.
UNKAGED misses pornkingintraining!
Round 7
UNKAGED hits pornkingintraining for 148 damage. pornkingintraining resists 20 for a total of 128 damage.
pornkingintraining hits UNKAGED for 152 damage. UNKAGED resists 64 for a total of 88 damage.
Round 8
pornkingintraining hits UNKAGED for 227 damage. UNKAGED resists 77 for a total of 150 damage.
UNKAGED misses pornkingintraining!
Round 9
pornkingintraining hits UNKAGED for 255 damage. UNKAGED resists 112 for a total of 143 damage.
UNKAGED hits pornkingintraining for 318 damage. pornkingintraining resists 21 for a total of 297 damage.
Round 10
pornkingintraining hits UNKAGED for 214 damage. UNKAGED resists 119 for a total of 95 damage.
UNKAGED hits pornkingintraining for 571 damage. pornkingintraining resists 39 for a total of 532 damage.
Round 11
pornkingintraining hits UNKAGED for 228 damage. UNKAGED resists 84 for a total of 144 damage.
UNKAGED misses pornkingintraining!
Round 12
pornkingintraining hits UNKAGED for 199 damage. UNKAGED resists 109 for a total of 90 damage.
UNKAGED misses pornkingintraining!
pornkingintraining headbutts UNKAGED for 89 damage. UNKAGED resists 19 for a total of 70 damage!
Round 13
pornkingintraining hits UNKAGED for 137 damage. UNKAGED resists 77 for a total of 60 damage.
UNKAGED hits pornkingintraining for 189 damage. pornkingintraining resists 27 for a total of 162 damage.
Round 14
pornkingintraining hits UNKAGED for 154 damage. UNKAGED resists 94 for a total of 60 damage.
UNKAGED hits pornkingintraining for 167 damage. pornkingintraining resists 29 for a total of 138 damage.
Round 15
pornkingintraining hits UNKAGED for 249 damage. UNKAGED resists 92 for a total of 157 damage.
UNKAGED hits pornkingintraining for 16 damage. pornkingintraining resists 15 for a total of 1 damage.
Round 16
UNKAGED misses pornkingintraining!
pornkingintraining hits UNKAGED for 171 damage. UNKAGED resists 71 for a total of 100 damage.
Round 17
pornkingintraining misses UNKAGED!
UNKAGED hits pornkingintraining for 311 damage. pornkingintraining resists 37 for a total of 274 damage.
Round 18
pornkingintraining hits UNKAGED for 786 damage. UNKAGED resists 89 for a total of 697 damage.
UNKAGED hits pornkingintraining for 213 damage. pornkingintraining resists 24 for a total of 189 damage.
UNKAGED defeated pornkingintraining.
You pound pornkingintraining to a bloody pulp. When you are satisfied at the pool of blood laying at your feet, you slip off into the shadows.
Experience Earned : Hospitalizations do not earn experience.
Hospitalization Time : 380
their cry about that bitch have a nice day.