(2014.May.17 01:10 PM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ] (2014.May.17 09:15 AM)jamiewhite Wrote: [ -> ] (2014.May.17 09:05 AM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ] (2014.May.17 08:42 AM)jamiewhite Wrote: [ -> ]Love you all my fans keep up the hate thread I'm blushing
hating on you would imply jealousy.
nuff said.
Shut it bitch cheers for the cash top lad
you wanna try me I'm here for a laugh
What cash? You don't even have any of it. Just a midlan house, a bunch of stims that I am sure you have already blown through, and 6 borgs that only hurt your trains. I am already back ina midlan villa and will be in a beach house soon. Congrats, you robbed someone for 9+ mil and have nothing to show for it.
This is humorous. I disappeared for a year, had my house repossessed, stuck myself into another 36th hosp war, and I also still have more than that kid. No borgs, but an arcology house(owned), better stats than him, and a much better attitude.
Poor guy need to invest in something to make him suck less.
(2014.May.17 09:37 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ] (2014.May.17 01:10 PM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ] (2014.May.17 09:15 AM)jamiewhite Wrote: [ -> ] (2014.May.17 09:05 AM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ] (2014.May.17 08:42 AM)jamiewhite Wrote: [ -> ]Love you all my fans keep up the hate thread I'm blushing
hating on you would imply jealousy.
nuff said.
Shut it bitch cheers for the cash top lad
you wanna try me I'm here for a laugh
What cash? You don't even have any of it. Just a midlan house, a bunch of stims that I am sure you have already blown through, and 6 borgs that only hurt your trains. I am already back ina midlan villa and will be in a beach house soon. Congrats, you robbed someone for 9+ mil and have nothing to show for it.
This is humorous. I disappeared for a year, had my house repossessed, stuck myself into another 36th hosp war, and I also still have more than that kid. No borgs, but an arcology house(owned), better stats than him, and a much better attitude.
Poor guy need to invest in something to make him suck less.
damn shame pred's and hunter's houses can't get repossessed. Sorry about that btw, still feel bad about the circumstances.
If you were the (owner) how come was it reposessed.
(2014.May.18 12:07 AM)pornking Wrote: [ -> ]If you were the (owner) how come was it reposessed.
reread when sober, will make sense
How can you have a 80mill house dont you have to be level 60 or higher burp whisky breath
My lord, Pornking. Go break yilour head on another wall, in the hope of resetting your retarded brain.
I fell on hard times, then came back up. And the arcology house is the $20,000,000, home, not the $80,000,000.
Ohh im sorry you fell on hard times but happy you all better now.
Fairplay!!! that is all i gota say #uallsuck
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