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Full Version: Xmas contest
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Will there be consumables as a result of this contest? Yes.

Will they be available immediately, or only after the contest? They will be available immediately, and can be found in your storage.

Will there be unique(s) for the winner(s) of this contest? Yes. See below.

Will there be separate prizes for refresher and non-refresher? Yes, same rules as always. If the winner is a refresher, there will be both, if the winner is a non-refresher, then only the non-refreshing winner will receive one.

What constitutes refreshing? Spending credits (real or ten/eleven/twelvebot) on energy, eating candy, candy canes, clovers, or any other consumable that gives you energy.

A prize will be given to the player who gets the most total experience from killing elves. If this player is a refresher, then there will also be a prize for the non-refresher who gets the most total experience from killing elves.

The winner(s) will receive tags. There will also be a tag given to the player with the highest kill streak. Tags will also be accompanied by 5 dev points in Reputation.


Congratulations to our prize winners:

Most total experience from killing elves (refresher):
LikeWoah [11999]

Most total experience from killing elves (non-refresher):
BulletWithUrNameOnIt [15151]

Congratulations also to the winner of the tag for highest kill streak:
NIte [3194]
Any chance of updates?
no...much like the prizes and uniques...
the candy might be available as promisd tho

-sits back and waits for bitching to begin-Winky
I only play these ones where you get candy cause every one gets somethink
(2013.Dec.25 12:32 AM)deathishere Wrote: [ -> ]Any chance of updates?

You do realize they will not answer you, right?
(2013.Dec.25 12:32 AM)deathishere Wrote: [ -> ]Any chance of updates?

Traditional 1st post on every event in here

Also a traditional retort: "you do know they won't listen right?"

Looking forward to seeing both of this the next event lol.
(2013.Dec.25 12:42 AM)pornking Wrote: [ -> ]I only play these ones where you get candy cause every one gets somethink

and not too mention you get it straight away.
Total Elves Killed : 25,544
Experience Earned : 130,375
Candy Canes Found : 2568

Total for the day

Also made $3,814,565
(2013.Dec.26 12:00 AM)Mock8800 Wrote: [ -> ]Total Elves Killed : 25,544
Experience Earned : 130,375
Candy Canes Found : 2568

Total for the day

Also made $3,814,565

And also never saw your family on Xmas day lol
(2013.Dec.26 03:51 AM)jamiewhite Wrote: [ -> ]
(2013.Dec.26 12:00 AM)Mock8800 Wrote: [ -> ]Total Elves Killed : 25,544
Experience Earned : 130,375
Candy Canes Found : 2568

Total for the day

Also made $3,814,565

And also never saw your family on Xmas day lol

He didn't see the light of day, nor one moment of sleep
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