AwakenedLands Forums

Full Version: 13.February.03 -- Fixed bug with gym.
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Pages: 1 2
Fuck yourself
there was a problem that none of us knew about, and it got fixed without anybody caring
If you learn too read other threads you will know what its about noob.
at least we know admin reads the if they would just LISTEN[/align] to what people say IN them....
I guess they can't hear it, prolly had sound muted or something.
(2013.Dec.18 07:46 PM)strqaz Wrote: [ -> ]I guess they can't hear it, prolly had sound muted or something.

[Image: Forever-Alone_o_98121.gif]
[Image: giphy.gif]
I think its cause i donated twice this week only cause you get the exter credits hehe
(2013.Dec.18 04:46 PM)meatloaf Wrote: [ -> ]Discuss

Pages: 1 2
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