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Full Version: RC: has 200+ career points
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well, its supposed to average around 3 per work hour, and 60 hours is max. if ur getting 4 or 5 per work on average thats pretty sick and somewhat lucky. or maybe the averages are slightly higher on jobs that require more for promotions? im pretty sure that isnt the case tho..

251 is mad lucky by the way. thats like 4.2 per work hour and its supposed to be 3. im at freaking 190


I'm also well over 200, where did you see the average was suppose/has to be around 3 for every1??


I'm sure the jobs do have an impact on points made. I'm pretty sure Athletics gains you more points.[/i]
I am at 266 career points already. Not spending any, 725 is long way to go lol.
well 3 average mighta been a guestimated number, thats just the # zenny said when talking about point averages. she might not have been 100% serious with that as the number, just using it to explain what happens when you gain ranks

sucks for me that youre all gaining way more than i am tho Sad im still at 194 Sad Sad


I'm guessing that certain careers gain more than others.


Im guessing the reason I am gaining more on average is my level 2 is at 750 points instead of 500-600...takes longer to get too


220 points here. medical profession
10000 here....nuclear scientist.....oh sorry wrong game


210 here scientist. I need 675
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