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Full Version: I hate Jail!
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So, for the rest of the holiday season...will pay 500$ per successful bust...
on myself or my gang.
250 for attempts on me lol....

it's not alot....but it's something. Will pay till jan 1......
hav A NICE day....
(2013.Dec.01 02:47 PM)pheonixfyre Wrote: [ -> ]So, for the rest of the holiday season...will pay 500$ per successful bust...
on myself or my gang.
250 for attempts on me lol....

it's not alot....but it's something. Will pay till jan 1......
hav A NICE day....

hate jail? try fed jail...

President Sp1k3
Members 5
Capacity 7
Average Level 24.6
AwakenedLandsFedJail Description
The federal jail is not a place you want your account to be listed in. Make sure you follow game rules and you won't have to worry. Fed-jail only lists players who have tried to log in recently. Players who have not tried to log in for a period of time no longer are listed, although they might still be in fed-jailed.

no thx....their members seem to spend too much time in the hospital, not enough time in the gym lol
Too much time taking the pud, you mean. The term 'foot in mouth' is highly contorted over there.
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