You're still weak, Cunter. I'm loaning my belt out.

I could get it back and rock you non-stop, if you'd like?
(2013.Nov.08 09:01 AM)jamiewhite Wrote: [ -> ]7.Nov.13 Behemoth hospitalized you.
7.Nov.13 Behemoth attacked you and lost.
7.Nov.13 Behemoth attacked you and lost.
Keep hosting your self fat guts
Just keep on hosting yourself buddy keep on hosting.
(2013.Nov.08 09:43 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]You're still weak, Cunter. I'm loaning my belt out.
I could get it back and rock you non-stop, if you'd like?
No point wasting your stims/medic career
I wouldn't use them to help you out of the hospital. Don't worry.
Keep on hosting yourself homie, just keep on hosting.
AAAAND goodbye again cober lol (got banned again

Boush he got banned cuz your grandaddy was a house slave not a cotton picker
Headbustin got mad cuz chubby virgins stick together
(2013.Nov.08 07:34 PM)spacebird Wrote: [ -> ]Headbustin got mad cuz chubby virgins stick together
Now if they could teach your butt cheeks to stick together you could go back to jail
Damn. Now that was pretty mean. Better than him sticking together with his Mom.