2013.Oct.22, 12:27 PM
2013.Oct.22, 01:26 PM
Yep, good job Bender...I mean 36th
38763 {^3^6^} NinjaBtch 46 290 Hospitalized by Malvos.
35215 }A{ Raina 50 272 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
17546 {^3^6^} Misfire 29 226 Hospitalized by Malvos.
30283 }A{ Malvos 50 222 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
34146 {^3^6^} Kazeshini 47 195 Hospitalized by shauno.
31061 {^3^6^} CmdrSt 31 193 Hospitalized by shauno.
23902 }A{ BrewMaster 42 174 Hospitalized by NinjaBtch.
17795 }A{ BadAssAttitude 33 170 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
25040 DA Sp1k3 35 169 Hospitalized by JoeKerr.
42226 }A{ HellrazierReborn13 25 168 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
29768 {^3^6^} CO36R 60 147 Hospitalized by shauno.
34992 {^3^6^} BloodEagle 19 114 Hospitalized by HellrazierReborn13.
41120 {^3^6^} Reticent 21 110 Hospitalized by HellrazierReborn13.
21058 LCBO ShadowRift 27 106 Hospitalized by HellrazierReborn13.
15006 {^3^6^} FilthyMick 44 106 Hospitalized by Malvos.
8431 {^3^6^} Behemoth 51 96 Brutalized by Caine.
38763 {^3^6^} NinjaBtch 46 290 Hospitalized by Malvos.
35215 }A{ Raina 50 272 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
17546 {^3^6^} Misfire 29 226 Hospitalized by Malvos.
30283 }A{ Malvos 50 222 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
34146 {^3^6^} Kazeshini 47 195 Hospitalized by shauno.
31061 {^3^6^} CmdrSt 31 193 Hospitalized by shauno.
23902 }A{ BrewMaster 42 174 Hospitalized by NinjaBtch.
17795 }A{ BadAssAttitude 33 170 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
25040 DA Sp1k3 35 169 Hospitalized by JoeKerr.
42226 }A{ HellrazierReborn13 25 168 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
29768 {^3^6^} CO36R 60 147 Hospitalized by shauno.
34992 {^3^6^} BloodEagle 19 114 Hospitalized by HellrazierReborn13.
41120 {^3^6^} Reticent 21 110 Hospitalized by HellrazierReborn13.
21058 LCBO ShadowRift 27 106 Hospitalized by HellrazierReborn13.
15006 {^3^6^} FilthyMick 44 106 Hospitalized by Malvos.
8431 {^3^6^} Behemoth 51 96 Brutalized by Caine.
2013.Oct.22, 04:26 PM
(2013.Oct.22 10:01 AM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]I want to apologize for calling everyone bitches in that gang. but by virtue of your leader being the biggest bitch in the game, in a way that makes you a bitch for joining. with the exception of the former x pats and big nick you guys are alright. but common, again?
October 22 2013, 7:05:19 am Habitat declared war on The 36th Chamber
Gang war history shows the last 25 gang wars your gang has been in.
Opponent Damage Dealt Damage Received Gang Points Winner
Habitat 4048 1504 87 The 36th Chamber Summary
Habitat 4052 1941 86 The 36th Chamber Summary
Habitat 7753 4082 92 The 36th Chamber Summary *****
I find it hard to believe you guys are TRYING to lose. this is just sad. bird has an ego the size of the moon and the discipline of a small child.
you guys had your run and now its over, it wasn't a gang that was going to last forver. that's what happens when you build a gang on a bunch of non-loyal members who want one last hurrah before the game ends.
so make your decision, quit or move on. you couldn't possibly want to retire in that excuse of a gang. it was created and ran by 1. money and 2. one overly anxious, overly sensitive, overly ambitious, overly active player who has now gone into the gutter.
*Also for asylum, who cant do enough damage to us to stop us from defending against the strongest hideout in AL, you suck.
that is all.
^takes dead game too seriously. I'm pretty sure much of the members of the gang, like myself, barely log on enough to do all there career hours anymore simply because the game isnt desirable to play.
and if its loyalty you're questioning, I'd say if you took a peek at the"Days in Gang" number you'd see that 19 of us have been around longer 500+ days, 36th chamber doesnt even have 19 members and 1 more than handful have been around that long. Not too mention Habitat was formed after this chambermaid nonsense...
2013.Oct.24, 07:16 PM
(2013.Oct.22 10:01 AM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]I want to apologize for calling everyone bitches in that gang. but by virtue of your leader being the biggest bitch in the game, in a way that makes you a bitch for joining. with the exception of the former x pats and big nick you guys are alright. but common, again?
October 22 2013, 7:05:19 am Habitat declared war on The 36th Chamber
Gang war history shows the last 25 gang wars your gang has been in.
Opponent Damage Dealt Damage Received Gang Points Winner
Habitat 4048 1504 87 The 36th Chamber Summary
Habitat 4052 1941 86 The 36th Chamber Summary
Habitat 7753 4082 92 The 36th Chamber Summary *****
I find it hard to believe you guys are TRYING to lose. this is just sad. bird has an ego the size of the moon and the discipline of a small child.
you guys had your run and now its over, it wasn't a gang that was going to last forver. that's what happens when you build a gang on a bunch of non-loyal members who want one last hurrah before the game ends.
so make your decision, quit or move on. you couldn't possibly want to retire in that excuse of a gang. it was created and ran by 1. money and 2. one overly anxious, overly sensitive, overly ambitious, overly active player who has now gone into the gutter.
*Also for asylum, who cant do enough damage to us to stop us from defending against the strongest hideout in AL, you suck.
that is all.
Schweet blag
2013.Oct.26, 06:42 PM
oh my. we are such queer baits. can't even do nothing at all. we should just stop trying... oh wait
2013.Nov.02, 05:04 PM
brags about a dead game

brags about a dead game
2013.Nov.02, 06:28 PM
(2013.Nov.02 05:04 PM)DirkDanja Wrote: [ -> ]lol
brags about a dead game
lol posts in a dead game.
(dude you set yourself to look stupid. don't blame me)
2013.Nov.05, 12:46 AM
(2013.Nov.02 06:28 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ](2013.Nov.02 05:04 PM)DirkDanja Wrote: [ -> ]lol
brags about a dead game
lol posts in a dead game.
(dude you set yourself to look stupid. don't blame me)
Lol cracked me up when I noticed Cober was the main man behind the first few new posts lol. Lot to say coby cupcakes?
2013.Nov.11, 07:43 AM
2013.Nov.11, 08:12 AM
I think having 1/3 of your gang fed jailed could be the biggest fail !