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Full Version: OK AL its that time!
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(2013.Aug.21 10:07 PM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]jaysin and rambo yea. i dont think triadboy really understood that he troll'd he was a scammer.

definitely jaysin.
oh and tables18

didn't triadboy claim that he made the game at one time
My existence makes people pretty angry.
I am on the list yeh baby
Zen is the biggest troll of all time.
theres not gonna be enough votes to conclude a winner, the amount of people that enter the forums have decrease by "over 9000%".

(not a accurate estimate)

and that is all..
.for now.
Fucking lawless
Looks to me like it just time for another failure of a thread.
I'm not really 100% sure what a forum troll is, and I've always been to embarrassed to ask. It sounds like a term a dumb blond coined. Anyway, would I be considered a troll, or just another asshole? Confused
digi man you only part assholoe. most of your rants and bitching is justly sound. forum trolls are those who make conscience effort to annoy, irritate, enrage, or just otherwise start shit for their own amusement. thats my understanding of it, but there could be more to it.

feel free to add to this definition
I have been away for too long. So many hated me for so long as a troll. God I miss the hatred and venom!
BTW, pornqueen was and still is a twat. Fat ass Taco boy right behind him (probably with a gay stiffy).
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