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Full Version: hey all you athletes out there
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Apart from you tedious conversion of WP's into endu, are you happy with your career?

exactly what is "good pay at high levels"?

Whats your career level, and what do you make per hour worked in athletics? What do you earn on average per day doing all 8 hours plus the 4 OT hours?
what do you consider to be high level?
(2013.Apr.04 02:23 AM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ]what do you consider to be high level?

That whole thing about pay at higher levels is a lie. Medic's make way more.
Remember that "high levels" when that was written do not necessarily mean what "high levels" are now - 6 years later or whatever.
the athletic pay scale is probably one of the worst. it's only good for getting dat endu
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