On the event page could it be possible to add when you got your butt kicked, and when you where caught and sent to jail. That way you could see if people waited tell you had one minute left until they busted you or not.
yea and it could say what type of attack they did
I thought it already said that. When you go to the events page it says XXXXXXX defeated you in a gang battle, XXXXXXXX attacked you and lost, XXXXXXXX hospitalized you, and so on and so forth. Maybe I'm just misunderstanding what you're looking for.
oh yea im trippin mybad ignore my reply :oops:
When someone brutalizes, the event notice still comes up "XXX hospitalized you."
And I think on a gang battle (might be wrong here), the event shows "XXX defeated you and left you in shame."
A little more detail would definitely be nice.

Loki Wrote:When someone brutalizes, the event notice still comes up "XXX hospitalized you."
And I think on a gang battle (might be wrong here), the event shows "XXX defeated you and left you in shame."
A little more detail would definitely be nice. 
who defeated you and left you in shame?
I was more talking about when YOU attacked someone and lose, and when you are sent to jail for fighting or crimes.