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Full Version: St. Patrick's Day Contest
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(2013.Mar.17 02:12 AM)backfromhell Wrote: [ -> ]what do they do? the clovers anything special?

or they like candy canes?

i heard they are similar to a blumpkin. but twice as good.
Leprechauns Defeated: 18
Clovers Found: 0

that is shit!!!! lol
They 69 blumpkin is better

Gotta admit that the 100-300 minutes after the swarm are the best part
(2013.Mar.17 02:12 AM)backfromhell Wrote: [ -> ]what do they do? the clovers anything special?

or they like candy canes?

if they're the same as previous years then they're candies with a channce of giving humanity.
Total Leprechaun's Defeated : 759
Clovers Found : 63
Same shitty contest, just costs more to participate. Kudos.
(2013.Mar.17 09:15 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Total Leprechaun's Defeated : 759
Clovers Found : 63

I call bs unless your refreshing
All natural.
Fuck might just give up then!!!
(2013.Mar.17 10:27 AM)jamiewhite Wrote: [ -> ]Fuck might just give up then!!!

Ah yes a 36 lovers quarrel.
Leprechauns Defeated: 32

Clovers Found: 10

One round.
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