i have a peacekeeper, what is the next best gun to get?
Most people step from a peacekeeper to a T-250 but there are several out there for you to choose from, that is just the most popular
I've got a T-250 in my items right now, just waiting to get my accuracy up enough to be able to use the damn thing. lol. But yeah..I'm halfway there. I agree with Eaglefreak, there is many out there, you just got to find the right one.
dude....250-350-ak98-450....best run
The Remington 950 Rifle is an awesome replacement if you don't have the endurance to use the AK series.
gtoofs Wrote:dude....250-350-ak98-450....best run
Nah.. i went from 250 to AK-98.. but, punisher did get me the credits for them....