I got bored with it a long time ago...discuss..
It gets better and then you login and bring us all down
(2013.Feb.08 05:33 PM)RenegadeJEDI Wrote: [ -> ]It gets better and then you login and bring us all down
Pretty much. Stay gone please. And attempt to pay your child support.
(2013.Feb.08 05:02 PM)shadowlinger Wrote: [ -> ]Is this game ever going to get any better?
I got bored with it a long time ago...discuss..
No. Only a noob would ask something like that.
(2013.Feb.08 05:02 PM)shadowlinger Wrote: [ -> ]I got bored with it a long time ago...discuss..
do you know kylie?
I am a n00b...please tell me how to play this game.
Yes when you dont click on cunt.