Only available to players with vast amounts of enemies like myself the rest of y'all goodi3 2wo sho0z will pay maximum price.Why?Cause I'm a piece of Dr3K Arseh0l3 and 3ye d0n't g1v3 a Fr4g.
(2013.Feb.04 04:13 PM)SuperDave Wrote: [ -> ]I'm a piece of Dr3K Arseh03
admitting it is the first step.
Who doubts me?Come get your dirt cheap credits mail me in game.
Credits 11,500
Also who wants easy free money?
Combat v24
Round 1
Arsehole hits WalkingDisaster for 128 damage. WalkingDisaster resists 11 for a total of 117 damage.
WalkingDisaster hits Arsehole for 62 damage. Arsehole resists 40 for a total of 22 damage.
Round 2
Arsehole hits WalkingDisaster for 148 damage. WalkingDisaster resists 24 for a total of 124 damage.
WalkingDisaster misses Arsehole!
Round 3
WalkingDisaster hits Arsehole for 68 damage. Arsehole resists 24 for a total of 44 damage.
Arsehole misses WalkingDisaster!
Round 4
Arsehole hits WalkingDisaster for 537 damage. WalkingDisaster resists 15 for a total of 522 damage.
WalkingDisaster misses Arsehole!
Round 5
Arsehole hits WalkingDisaster for 140 damage. WalkingDisaster resists 18 for a total of 122 damage.
WalkingDisaster hits Arsehole for 24 damage. Arsehole resists 23 for a total of 1 damage.
Round 6
Arsehole misses WalkingDisaster!
WalkingDisaster hits Arsehole for 16 damage. Arsehole resists 15 for a total of 1 damage.
Round 7
WalkingDisaster misses Arsehole!
Arsehole hits WalkingDisaster for 138 damage. WalkingDisaster resists 30 for a total of 108 damage.
Round 8
Arsehole hits WalkingDisaster for 295 damage. WalkingDisaster resists 30 for a total of 265 damage.
WalkingDisaster misses Arsehole!
Round 9
Arsehole misses WalkingDisaster!
WalkingDisaster hits Arsehole for 42 damage. Arsehole resists 40 for a total of 2 damage.
Round 10
WalkingDisaster misses Arsehole!
Arsehole hits WalkingDisaster for 148 damage. WalkingDisaster resists 20 for a total of 128 damage.
Round 11
WalkingDisaster misses Arsehole!
Arsehole hits WalkingDisaster for 484 damage. WalkingDisaster resists 23 for a total of 461 damage.
Arsehole defeated WalkingDisaster.
You mugged $4,283 out of their pockets!
Experience Earned : 164
Hospitalization Time : 10
Sold out and the big winner is Caine.Close thread please.Thanks.