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Full Version: well, well, well.
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(2013.Feb.04 07:14 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2013.Feb.04 02:00 PM)shark24 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2013.Feb.04 12:39 PM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]srx?! i didnt know thats who you were. wats up man? been a while lol

Good mick. I haven't used this handle in a long time. I've been around just not hardcore into the game that much anymore. Hopefully that changes then I can climb up that top 50.

I wouldn't be so excited when you reach the top 50 mark. I'm 35 on both battle and overall, and according to bignick I'm " on the high end of mid, at best...."

Ha. I wouldn't put too much merit into him. Top 50 is a
Pretty exciting milestone in my opinion. I just wish I didn't quit the game about 8 times, I would have been there long ago.
(2013.Feb.03 10:01 AM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]i was wondering why my trains were so low

its cuz your weaksauce lol couldn't pass that one up. continue on.
Whats the odds on getting my 69 candies back wich i used to refresh zen?
Let me guess. Better odds getting a 69 with michael jackson, right?
(2013.Feb.06 04:03 PM)ColdBlood Wrote: [ -> ]Whats the odds on getting my 69 candies back wich i used to refresh zen?
Let me guess. Better odds getting a 69 with michael jackson, right?

Both of those are impossible at this point in time.
(2013.Feb.06 04:03 PM)ColdBlood Wrote: [ -> ]Whats the odds on getting my 69 candies back wich i used to refresh zen?
Let me guess. Better odds getting a 69 with michael jackson, right?

[Image: 61773_497801453601097_1446661479_n.png]
(2013.Feb.09 03:53 PM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 61773_497801453601097_1446661479_n.png]

Nothing to fix here...
Pages: 1 2 3 4
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