Mail me in game if u have one for sale
Also Selling
Tactical Helmet - B4C FOR 180K
Tactical Helmet - SiC Composite 2 QUANTITY EACH 85K
buy all 300k
(2013.Feb.03 07:58 PM)RenegadeJEDI Wrote: [ -> ]You buying what?
Binelli Assault Shotgun
Please read thread thoroughly next time before asking lol!
This thread just says buying and selling the first post says mail me in game if you have one for sale.
(2013.Feb.03 09:08 PM)RenegadeJEDI Wrote: [ -> ]This thread just says buying and selling the first post says mail me in game if you have one for sale.
That's because the title of the thread was changed much like how the author can edit their posts.
anyone can change the title when they post. look ^
(2013.Feb.03 08:52 PM)SuperDave Wrote: [ -> ] (2013.Feb.03 07:58 PM)RenegadeJEDI Wrote: [ -> ]You buying what?
Binelli Assault Shotgun
Please read thread thoroughly next time before asking lol!
oh sorry forgot to edit my first post im looking to buy binelli shotty