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I know there are topics on people in jail for high terms but maybe we can start this one and keep putting people with 600+ terms on it and hopefully have the person post the person busting them. :-) Here we go:

2831 ALFD ChiefEagle 34 690 Caught attacking UNARMED Bail Bust

Now hopefully chiefeagle copies who busted him and posts it here before deleting it. Good acknowledge and kudos to an outstanding bust. Can congratulate the person for all AL to see. Smile Smile Smile
and if someone(like zenith and err Biggrin) could tell me(us) what is the max time of a bust that can be done by a particulaty user at a certain level
i dont know if you will understand what i said, and here's an example

my best bust is of 212 minutes at level 9..but i tried to do a 230 minutes bust but it said i dont have enough experience

if anyone knows, if there's a formula like that for the travel agency


Siggi112 is the man to see about this. I'm sure he knows the formulae.


I used to be your level * 20 - 1 but Zen changed it a good while ago and we can now try for higher times but with very little %. It's also the reason why some ppl get 10-15 and 20 people failing to bust them at high times.


yeah my highest bust is 416 but it won't let me do a 420...


smidge Wrote:yeah my highest bust is 416 but it won't let me do a 420...

smidge Wrote:yeah my highest bust is 416 but it won't let me do a 420...

haha 420...


my higest is 122
as long as we are bragging about big busts...I just want to announce I busted someone and saved them 1 minute of jailtime!!! Wink


You beat me there Saerin. I thought my 7 minutes for a friend was pretty good. HEHE
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