Im looking to borrow either 5 10 or 15million for a house.
I was wondering how much you guys usually charge for any of these amounts per week.
Depending on the cost I might take on more than one loan.
Mail me in game
I've never had to pay interest on a loan. Find an awesome gang, and show loyalty. Everthing from there falls in line.
idk if shotokahn still plays but if so he'll loan you
No hes inactive. Good xp for me

I charge anywhere from 1 to 1.5% interest per week on my loans. Interest is charged on the remaining balance of the loan, so as you pay it down, the interest charged each week goes down.
a 5 mil loan from me pays off in 50 weeks at with a payment of 200k/week @1.5%. works out to an average of 100k/week in interest.
More you pay, faster it gets paid back, less you pay in interest.
same 5 mil loan @ 250k a week pays off in 30 weeks and averages 83k/week in interest.
Larger loans get reduced interest, as I have the money consolidated to one person, therefore the risk is less.
The other upside to my loans, in addition to the lesser interest than what other people charge, is that you still have a sweet house when the loan is over.
sounds interesting...... might have to unblock your ass to talk about a loan.
Yeah you fixed me up with a similar loan last time big nick. Il mail you in game later. Thanks