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Full Version: Candy?
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When do we get it?
lol I see siffer has yet to respond. lol.
And my tagg ??
Anyone know what the candies do, get a description for each plz?
yea it is random for all of them, even gives u a free hosp pass when ur offline, and believe me u gat alot of free passes
(2012.Nov.06 03:26 PM)bconrad56 Wrote: [ -> ]Yes
(2012.Nov.08 05:57 AM)shadowinc Wrote: [ -> ]yea it is random for all of them, even gives u a free hosp pass when ur offline, and believe me u gat alot of free passes

You only get those after you've eaten so much candy. It's a fail safe Zenith put in them so you just don't keep stacking bonus. If you hold off and allow some of the effects that you currently have to be used you should start getting more bonus having to do with combat.
also none of my DocWagons ever work except for the one i have on shadowrun but thats a different game....
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