I changed my pw and then had a family emergency. So I f'ing forgot it.
what the fuck do you expect us to do about it?
Wow thanks for the quick response SB. I was hoping a mod would give me some advice on how to reset my password. There isn't anything on the sign in page to help me.
silly sis. make a new account and mail ciph
I got jinx to mail him. Thanks

yeah, we can't do anything about pws. except mail cipher.. and well he hasn't responded to me in months.
Had this too many times. Even xhanged ny password when i was half asleep once.
Cant believe that after the amount of years the games been running. There isnt even a reset password link (or similar) on the homepage.
(2012.Oct.31 05:17 PM)johnsonhalo76 Wrote: [ -> ]yeah, we can't do anything about pws. except mail cipher.. and well he hasn't responded to me in months.
thats fucked up since ur a mod. he replies to every piece of mail i send him within a week.