Can this be implemented to show a weekly update of who in your gang has busted thier gang members out.It can be placed under the 7 day attack listing.This way we can keep track of who in the gang is helping thier fellow gang members out of a tight spot and who is slacking lol
Sounds Good To Me...its hard to keep track and that would be a great help!!!
I usually just look at my events to see who has busted me out. Not really sure why anyone would need a log when they know their own people if they bust them. :? :?
the reason would just be for fun, i personally love the idea
i am going to jump on this band wagon too
this will be a good thing for gangs. the leaders in the gang can award members for being a team player.
there is one thing i would like to see added to the gangs. when a play apply to a gang. can the prez and vice get an email knowing some one applied. it is not really a big deal for us to check everyday but it will be a helpful
konyen Wrote:can the prez and vice get an email
There are no Vice-Presidents anymore
Maybe those who have the permission to accept applications
I'd rather see who uses career points to help the gang first
double hijack! back on topic, i think it would be a great idea.
i am interested in finding out how often my gangmates are busting people, and which people they're busting. ya dig?