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Pages: 1 2
On friday I'll close the poll. If the current leading choice wins, I will be posting bulks of 500 credits for 200$ each. The money will be sent direct to bank and then after a while passed on to random inactives i got on my enemy list.
(2012.Oct.29 08:10 AM)Druchii Wrote: [ -> ]On friday I'll close the poll. If the current leading choice wins, I will be posting bulks of 500 credits for 200$ each. The money will be sent direct to bank and then after a while passed on to random inactives i got on my enemy list.
Poll is over! Cheap credits for everyone when i do my random log ons!

They've been up a while now, you guys sure are slow.

2. No1 2 seconds
3. TrOGG 6 seconds
4. Breeze 8 seconds
5. roach 11 seconds
6. TheTerminator 16 seconds
7. CreaseCupCober 24 seconds
8. deadmanwalking 32 seconds
9. TroubledDestiny 58 seconds
i still think you should have just wasted it all on roulette, you coulda made your way up on the poi there
way too slow

4 hours 15 minutes 56 seconds ago
15000 credits still left
14000 left
Pages: 1 2
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