who has is and if you have owned it please post, would love to see how many have used it
Never owed the SFSword but I got to use it a couple times many years ago.

its like finding a needle in a hay stack
(2012.Sep.26 01:45 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]its like finding a needle in a hay stack
I think that phrase loses it's value around Dingus.
i'd start with the person you sold it to and then go from there, sg.
i know, it almost sounds too easy
yea space , it has been gone for like 2 yrs now, i think wraith had it at one time but it has changed hands so many times it is pietiful
I don't know what other people think of this idea but on unique items it would be nice to see who currently holds the item on the item info page.
great idea, gent. though great ideas that never come to fruition are the norm around here.
One can only dream Bird, one can only dream.
Side bar...
I actually don't dream about AL, That would be pathetic.