Thanks everyone for making this game fun (somewhat fun) for as long as it was. i've found myself playing less and less, but the nail in the coffin is being fired twice in 3 weeks from military career. when youre level 28 in career, one level takes months, and it takes 5 days to lose it. not really here to gripe about it, but it is what it is, and i'm pretty much out of here.
it was a nice run, and i MAY log in OCCASIONALLY, but i doubt it.
Spacebird - i'm sure you're happy to see me go. hooray for you.
bye all.
even noobs know you quit your career if you know you wont be logging in for a few days.... oh well take care and see you when you randomly POP in.
(2012.Sep.07 02:30 PM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks everyone for making this game fun (somewhat fun) for as long as it was. i've found myself playing less and less, but the nail in the coffin is being fired twice in 3 weeks from military career. when youre level 28 in career, one level takes months, and it takes 5 days to lose it. not really here to gripe about it, but it is what it is, and i'm pretty much out of here.
it was a nice run, and i MAY log in OCCASIONALLY, but i doubt it.
Spacebird - i'm sure you're happy to see me go. hooray for you.
bye all.
sorry to see you go.
and to be honest, the last times we spoke i don't think i ever gave you the impression that i'd like to see you stop playing. in fact, i believe it was you that wanted to trade al dollars for tc dollars, and i just simply told you that i do not donate here anymore, so i a poor, lol
but whatever, take it easy
i was exaggerating bird

it was from an argument we had back in the day.
and lol i rarely missed a day in career for 3 years. so missing 5 in a row was just extremely rare. never used to that.
Bye Pop. I'll miss your kitty in a box.

see you bro,
enjoy your life on the outside world.

peace out tart! thanx for all the good rap battles bro!!
Farewell! Enjoy the real world some more!