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Full Version: Labor Day Contest
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(2012.Sep.03 11:55 AM)jamiewhite Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not happy with cipher doing a comp but no upgrades but it is fun I'm about 800 mins totalled so far

I'm at 1400 and I know of at least two people that are higher then me
Refreshed or not i did and got 2 refreshes off 4 candys but didn't bust anyone
Im kind of curious to see who the next Tommi the Taco is
I'm hoping the winner is a lbm user Wink
that was awesome, I hope I win. thanks Cipher [/sarcasm]
the only thing i liked about it was the exter points you get for working that was the only good thing.
(2012.Sep.04 05:58 AM)pornking Wrote: [ -> ]the only thing I liked about it were the extra points you got for working, that was the only good thing.

I didn't do half as well as I wanted new born was miserable all last night
Yeah, contest is okay. However when you don't post, and make any sort of notification that you're still working on the game for months. Don't expect a friendly reply.
The results are in.

Congratulations to HUNT3R with a total of 22 busts and Herc with 3,563 minutes.

You will both be contacted soon about your prizes.

EDIT: I had a typo in the results which resulted in self busts being recorded. They have been removed from the results. No change in the winners resulted from this.
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