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Full Version: The best player of AL ever.
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I think it's pretty obvious the short list consists of


I'm relatively new in the grand scheme of things but from what i have seen heard and read this seems to be this list i would present if an actual vote was being cast
Yoda was the bestest
(2012.Sep.02 05:48 PM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ]Rafal for getting to where he is with spending no real money on the game at all.

he spent $5
And nobody mentioned Mac, or Asgard
(2012.Sep.04 04:50 AM)RenegadeJEDI Wrote: [ -> ]And nobody mentioned Mac, or Asgard

you just did.
johnrambo should be in that list! the great founder... of AL!
what do we think of the general but? or don't he count cause of how many days old?
(2012.Sep.02 01:05 PM)SisterLynx Wrote: [ -> ]Best female villian......Cheetah

Best Hospitolization spree....BigRod

Best Defender of her cubs....Howlz

Best building beater upper bysides myself.....Breeze

Best war commmander, that I know of ......Colonelingus

Best troller of the forums.....Dingus

how about biggest failed attempt at piling on top of a hosp war?
(2012.Sep.03 08:18 PM)DirkDanja Wrote: [ -> ]Yoda was the bestest

If only he hadn't gone completely insane with that god awful game.
I would think a person would be hard pressed to name "the greatest player ever" since different people are great in different ways depending on how they developed their characters.

Examples would be Reknak, he is the jail bust king.
Or Pullo, people still talk about her even though she only played for about a year and has been gone for over 4 1/2 years. Plus she is still on some lists even now.
SpaceBird built a mega gang (with the war points to match) quicker than it has ever been done (at least since I have been here).
Most stats have a different player as number one, but each one who gets to the top of which ever list has acomplished something most never will.
Each weapon also has someone who is "best in game" with that weapon.
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