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what would you do?

[Image: 600px-Www.let%27s_play_house.jpg]
i wouldnt touch your acc and train your res for armor.

my endurance is higher than my str.
Up your Res. Get the best armor. These armor also give u stats boost.
Or don't give a fuck about your stats....this game is so fucking dead, why to waste my fucking energy points for some shitty dev points in the gym....fuck it, only attacks till lvl 65....
(2012.Aug.15 09:07 AM)Batman Wrote: [ -> ]Or don't give a fuck about your stats....this game is so fucking dead, why to waste my fucking energy points for some shitty dev points in the gym....fuck it, only attacks till lvl 65....

Then why bother lvling til 65?
kill whitey
38237 duckylover 7 129 Hospitalized by HUNT3R.

Was it close?
(2012.Aug.15 03:25 AM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ]
(2012.Aug.15 02:18 AM)jamiewhite Wrote: [ -> ]
(2012.Aug.14 08:00 PM)Acooper Wrote: [ -> ]
(2012.Aug.14 09:11 AM)jamiewhite Wrote: [ -> ]Recommend doing my stats are

25 acc
50+6 dext
25 res
75+15 str

11 lbm skill

And I'm using
Broyles Inc. CID Falchionette 1 5.0   Unequip Melee

But I'm getting owned by people I shouldn't be on topic posts only please mods!!

who is it that you're thinking you should be able to beat?

Batman and a few others

me???? Smile

me??? Because if you look at your attack/defense logs it will show you that you in fact cannot beat me.
(2012.Aug.15 09:21 AM)LikeWhoa Wrote: [ -> ]
(2012.Aug.15 09:07 AM)Batman Wrote: [ -> ]Or don't give a fuck about your stats....this game is so fucking dead, why to waste my fucking energy points for some shitty dev points in the gym....fuck it, only attacks till lvl 65....

Then why bother lvling til 65?

I spent my free time reading books and studying and at 10 minutes I just do some crimes and attacking in AL...I lost my interest for this game.

I just don't want to quite....
batvag 4 batvag
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