why? the code is based off mccodes, which is shit. seriously, I've stopped giving cipher shit for not making any updates... did I say mccodes is shit?
adding anything to mccodes in a clean manner is like, <insert painful comparison here>
(2012.Aug.12 06:39 PM)UncleDave Wrote: [ -> ]This game sucks ass and the people who started it are gone, just collecting checks. No more work on improving a flawed game. I would never donate a dime on here to try and kick the ass out of 300 players left. Stupid!
lol, jesus, you still play? You have quit more times then anybody and I bet you will be here the day the game shuts down. I honestly thought you quit when I no longer heard your bitching
(2012.Aug.13 06:39 AM)spacebird Wrote: [ -> ]have you tried siihb?
i encourage you all to quit. makes it easier for me to catch up
we all enjoy playing with ourselves, headbustin
place you bids on ebay no realy you can i put in 100.00 bid for the game
(2012.Aug.13 06:39 AM)spacebird Wrote: [ -> ]have you tried siihb?
His favorite sexual position