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Full Version: [split] experience pts
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Pages: 1 2
one can only hope that this thread turns into a jaime white/promqueen bro-down.
Isn't prom queen a ranged weapon user
yea thats what makes it so funny lmao
you be the judge

ranged us·er /ˈyo͞ozər/
Noun: A person who has too many chromosomes.
(2012.Jul.25 01:50 PM)CrazyFoley Wrote: [ -> ]Yours was a lie too, it says Hunt3r is ranked 39. You are Jamie White.

Your such a idiot how am I lieing you muppet you think your funny but your just a Lonley man who lives with his mum
oh ffs jaimewhite
this is entertainment
like whoa should charge people to read the thread
C00l name bro....Winky
Pages: 1 2
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