I think they should seperate them instead of you having to split or take turns with the hourly thing,I think the skills should be done for 8 hours like their suppose to and then we should be able to do the advanced classes also for 8 hours. Anyone else agree with this?
(2012.Jul.25 03:15 AM)durtywhite Wrote: [ -> ]I think they should seperate them instead of you having to split or take turns with the hourly thing,I think the skills should be done for 8 hours like their suppose to and then we should be able to do the advanced classes also for 8 hours. Anyone else agree with this?
so you work 12 hours a day, study for 8 hours, than you want to study for another 8 hours all in one day?
You've never had a 28 hour day before?
i've had 72 hour days before. cocaine is a hell of a drug.
(2012.Jul.28 01:12 AM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]i've had 72 hour days before. cocaine is a hell of a drug.
but only 72 hours
weak man, just weak
i smoke weed too. plus i ran outta money
Maybe the could implement other crime based stuff like being a pimp and having your whores out turning tricks. Could upgrade their cloths and get rid of the vd the night after. Or put it as a gang organized crime. Slut hardening +1
(2012.Jul.29 09:36 PM)NehrGodly Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe the could implement other crime based stuff like being a pimp and having your whores out turning tricks. Could upgrade their cloths and get rid of the vd the night after. Or put it as a gang organized crime. Slut hardening +1
No thank you.
Reason I play this game instead of some others is because this game doesn't have that sort of thing.
not to mention that it's a retarded idea
(2012.Aug.07 06:10 PM)spacebird Wrote: [ -> ]not to mention that it's a retarded idea
lol can you imagine teal pimpin with a construction worker pimp hat?
now thats gangsta