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Full Version: career efficeincy
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Pages: 1 2
Anyone know how that works?
directly correlates to the rank you are at.
Hmm. I used to think. That til it went up from mme using cps
(2012.Jun.25 09:21 AM)johnsonhalo76 Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm. I used to think. That til it went up from mme using cps

might use marker along the lines of hours worked/CPs spent
I thought it was from the amount of points used for your career (i.e. skills and promotions) versus points converted for stats, but just basing that on something read on here a while ago.
you cant believe aythig you read on here. this one time it said there was gonna be updates...
(2012.Jun.25 10:58 AM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]you cant believe aythig you read on here. this one time it said there was gonna be updates...

sad but true
you're a tad off topic mick. go flame about lack of updates in your own thread
(2012.Jun.25 10:46 AM)fngMalvos Wrote: [ -> ]I thought it was from the amount of points used for your career (i.e. skills and promotions) versus points converted for stats, but just basing that on something read on here a while ago.

it was on topic, malvos said he reead it in the forums, i provided an example of how untrustworthy things said in the forum can be. but since this is a thread u started urself, i'll say it like this....

i dont think things that are stated in the forum are the direct truth for numerous obvious reasons <-reply from Zen shows it's not just a simple ratio of points earned and points spent.
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