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Full Version: CuturGuts multis
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(2012.May.29 05:57 PM)shadowinc Wrote: [ -> ]still so much love in al, miss you guys and gals

And we miss you SG.
(2012.May.29 02:57 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]i do he owes me money!

For those of you that have mailed Zhukov about Ning a multi.

Sender : YourLittleSister [36325] online
Date : 5 June 12 @ 11:33:28 am
Subject : RE(5):(No Subject)

I gave dreadwind a list of cuturguts multi's and here is the list I sent him dreadwind added one player to my list notice how his Id # isint in order like the rest of the lol...

Here's the list I sent dredwind before he tampered with it.

35328 superpunch 3  
37348 dylan13 5    
38562 torontobluejay 16 
39524 ROSIE 12    
41105 CUTurGUTreborn 15    
41305 KushNorris 9    
41474 UpUpAndAway 13
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Now enjoy the hospital stay dreadwind.
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