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Round 1
Deathwing misses HUNT3R!
HUNT3R hits Deathwing for 219 damage. Deathwing resists 37 for a total of 182 damage.
Round 2
Deathwing misses HUNT3R!
HUNT3R headbutts Deathwing for 91 damage. Deathwing resists 34 for a total of 57 damage!
HUNT3R hits Deathwing for 225 damage. Deathwing resists 21 for a total of 204 damage.
Round 3
Deathwing misses HUNT3R!
HUNT3R hits Deathwing for 185 damage. Deathwing resists 38 for a total of 147 damage.
Round 4
Deathwing misses HUNT3R!
HUNT3R hits Deathwing for 907 damage. Deathwing resists 35 for a total of 872 damage.
Round 5
Deathwing misses HUNT3R!
HUNT3R hits Deathwing for 226 damage. Deathwing resists 21 for a total of 205 damage.
Round 6
HUNT3R hits Deathwing for 183 damage. Deathwing resists 28 for a total of 155 damage.
Deathwing misses HUNT3R!
Round 7
Deathwing misses HUNT3R!
HUNT3R hits Deathwing for 217 damage. Deathwing resists 44 for a total of 173 damage.
Round 8
Deathwing misses HUNT3R!
HUNT3R hits Deathwing for 249 damage. Deathwing resists 38 for a total of 211 damage.
Round 9
Deathwing misses HUNT3R!
HUNT3R hits Deathwing for 171 damage. Deathwing resists 38 for a total of 133 damage.
Round 10
HUNT3R hits Deathwing for 228 damage. Deathwing resists 45 for a total of 183 damage.
Deathwing misses HUNT3R!
Round 11
Deathwing misses HUNT3R!
HUNT3R hits Deathwing for 199 damage. Deathwing resists 19 for a total of 180 damage.
Round 12
HUNT3R hits Deathwing for 263 damage. Deathwing resists 44 for a total of 219 damage.
HUNT3R defeated Deathwing.
You honorably defeat all combatants. You walk away and let your defeated opponents sulk in their own misery.
Experience Earned : 436
Hospitalization Time : 20

Attack Type Leave
Total Combatants 2
Attack Result Win
Initial Hit Points 100%
Total Combat Rounds 12
Experience Points Earned 436.0
Attack Time May 15 2012 - 8:33:58 am
Last Action May 15 2012 - 8:33:57 am
Encumbrance Rate 0.296
Weapon Used Ionized Nodachi
Armor Used Composite Armor - SiC
Helmet Used Tactical Helmet - TiB2
Shielding Worn Febiani EH301
Melee Bonus No
Defense Bonus No
Hits 12 (100.0%)
Damage Dealt 3363 (280.3)
Damage Resisted 0 (0.0)
Best Hit 907
Hits from Opponent(s) 0 (0.0%)
Damage Received from Opponent(s) 0 (0.0)
Damage Resisted by Opponent(s) 442 (442.0)
Best Hit by Opponent(s) 0
Below are all opponents involved in the battle.

Attack Result Loss
Opponent's Level 54
Initial Hit Points 100%
Experience Points Earned -21.8
Last Action Time May 15 2012 - 8:22:14 am
Weapon Used RANGED
Armor Worn Yes
Helmet Worn Yes
Hits 0
Damage Dealt 0
Damage Resisted 442
Best Hit 0
Hits from Opponent(s) 12
Damage Received from Opponent(s) 3363
Damage Resisted by Opponent(s) 0
Best Hit by Opponent(s) 907
Hospital Minutes 20
yay, great read
My guess would be he uses a pistol for hideout attacks and forgot to put it away.
my guess is that jaimewhite is mentally challenged.
Deathwing Hosp Win 14 9 2,039 1 24 247

Makes no sence as my last fight with him I lost
quit posting prag
When you equipped a range weapon and a melee weapon, for some reason, the AI would choose the range over melee in most cases.
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