What is you Humanity Score mines is 10.2
this has a connection with how much u train, if ur stats are modified(if u have implants), and influeces energy refresh rate of..don't no too much
i tought this was simple al you have to do is post your humanity score thats it...Duh
my humanity score merely reads" more human than human."
::Shed's tear for everyone that bought cheap cyberware::
Cultured bio-replacements is the way to go.
mtngti Wrote:18.71
Rolling on the floor laughing!!!?!!
I'm your friend btw, are you happier?
hydro9226 Wrote:mtngti Wrote:18.71
Rolling on the floor laughing!!!?!!
I'm your friend btw, are you happier?
as long as you're not everybody's friend.
::adds Thor to enemies list to screw with his head::