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Full Version: New Gang Combat Tip
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for one don't attack the members of the other gang,lol,two you need to figure out the best weapon to use on the hide out,i think some already have,they just don't share that info,lol,good luck freinds


Soney09 Wrote:Tested: Armalite Peacekeeper & T-250
Armalite Peacekeeper does more damage than T-250 to a hideout !

He's right. My PK outdoes the T-250 on Dmg. Not by much, but I range differently low on PK is like 3 and low on T-250 is 5.

It could be the fact that you have to "train" into the T-250 like I did the PK, but who knows?


any1 else tested any weapons ? :S
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