awesomo had a bad day in his real life. maybe this is one of those posts that should be wiped out by the mods. and if you need a reason I will tell you.
extra gains should be donation driven only. there should not be a penalty for those who choose not to be in a gang. extra gains are a way for the owners to be compensated for dwelling over code, and dealing with angry users.
simply put this post is getting nowhere
Nope. Just saying it was a post that defined how this was, in your words "a reasonable idea." Had nothing to do with awesomo.
I'm not sure how that corresponds with provocation.
if something like this idea was implemented and it costs gang points it would definitely give people more of a reason to join a gang and would give gang points and fighting for gang points more of a reason.
i mean.... if he feels provoked then thats on him..... i dont think anyone is provoking here...i just think ppl are posting opinions and tryin to meet a common ground...

w00k Wrote:if something like this idea was implemented and it costs gang points it would definitely give people more of a reason to join a gang and would give gang points and fighting for gang points more of a reason.
my point exactly!!!!!
randomjacker Wrote:awesomo had a bad day in his real life. maybe this is one of those posts that should be wiped out by the mods. and if you need a reason I will tell you.
extra gains should be donation driven only. there should not be a penalty for those who choose not to be in a gang. extra gains are a way for the owners to be compensated for dwelling over code, and dealing with angry users.
simply put this post is getting nowhere
I don't necessarily agree with the "donation driven only" or you're going to have a tougher time gaining the support of non-donators to the game. I mean..what If in total I donated $1000 to the game and stopped donating and had no more I should be punished when I donated so much? Hypothetically speaking and way off topic though.
It's not a penalty for those who don't join, but rather a reward for those who do. What I don't know is right or not is whether it's justifiable to almost force a person into a gang because of it.
w00k Wrote:if something like this idea was implemented and it costs gang points it would definitely give people more of a reason to join a gang and would give gang points and fighting for gang points more of a reason.
hmm... interesting...
and it dont stop there... i just think givin the hide-out more options and stuff would boost morale and give ppl reasons to be in certain gangs...not just whoever they know or get recruited by....
iceman2020 Wrote:It's not a penalty for those who don't join, but rather a reward for those who do.
agreed. being in a gang and battling would have much more meaning. isn't the whole point to be in a gang and battle? why not give some options to fight for? i think it's ideas like this that should be taken into consideration right now as an option to spend gang points on.
JaySin Wrote:and it dont stop there... i just think givin the hide-out more options and stuff would boost morale and give ppl reasons to be in certain gangs...not just whoever they know or get recruited by....
I LOVE the idea of more options and encourage free thinking... just not so sure that gang members should get more than other players.