should people be responsible for their own text-based assets?
what say you...should the admin take a more back-seat role in situations involving money/item transfers within the community?
It depends on the situation. With known multis who steal money and get banned (cuturgut) then the admin has no choice but to get involved.
while i see your point, people that create multiple accounts should be snuffed out off the bat, and not let to be allowed to play, imo. maybe with less time put toward retrieving money, the admin can pick out those that break instead of bend rules.
it doesn't pay for someone to try to scam in such a small community. though if it was clear that people are 100% responsible for their own shit, maybe said multis wouldn't have as much easy prey.
this isn't a knock on anyone btw. i've been beaten out of more money than anyone cause of trusting people i shouldn't have. sucker'd
(2012.Apr.23 06:58 PM)CrazyFoley Wrote: [ -> ]It depends on the situation. With known multis who steal money and get banned (cuturgut) then the admin has no choice but to get involved.
but why does it depend on the situation? you give someone something, your loss if they don't return it. multi or not
Gotta say I have lost probably a couple mill by now due to loans and scams. i go by the old rule tho...don't lend it out f you can't afford to lose it. And don't deal with people that if you are not sure you can trust them.
By the same token that if you are getting hosp'd, you probably earned it....if you get scammed, you made a mistake somewhere....
Well to find out if some1 is trustworthy you have to test them, Mac took a chance with me 2 weeks ago and lent me a quarter of a mil and i paid it back in a week. You just have to take risks.
You might lose a bit but in the end you will find a trustworthy friend and it will be worth it.

(2012.Apr.23 07:16 PM)pheonixfyre Wrote: [ -> ]Gotta say I have lost probably a couple mill by now due to loans and scams. i go by the old rule tho...don't lend it out f you can't afford to lose it. And don't deal with people that if you are not sure you can trust them.
By the same token that if you are getting hosp'd, you probably earned it....if you get scammed, you made a mistake somewhere....
ain't that the truth
though probably the only way that works is if any and all game protection is turned off.
Even someone who is exceptionally trustworthy can screw you.... whether or not it was in their control is unknown...
Take tommi, took a loan out from me for 5 mil, 2 hours later, went inactive.
Money banked into a house, not sent anywhere, just like he originally planned on.
Without Cipher's help, I would have been out nearly $175 RL money.
Right now, I have a loan out for 15 mil, again to a previously shown to be trustworthy player. If he was to do the same, I would want cipher's help to reclaim the nearly $600 RL worth of money loaned out.
but why should the admin be held responsible to rectify someones poor judgment?