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Full Version: happy 4/20 heres a contest....
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happy holidays everybody. since we can promote intense alcoholism and the sale of meth, but wont do a simple weed holiday contest, im gonna send 36,000 dollars to an inactive level 5 in downtown. i wish i could do something better but im not funded for such things and zen says that meth is good, weed is bad.

no hint. inactive level 5 downtown. i'll repost once i've chosen and sent the cash.

Send Cash
You sent $36,000 to xxxxxxxxxxxxx.

have fun
doesnt look like anyones trying.... free money here people
you ahve to narrow it down some, mick. it would take ages leafing through it for a 30 some odd k pay out.
HEY! It's Hitlers birthday today too... don't leave him out
(2012.Apr.20 03:49 PM)spacebird Wrote: [ -> ]you ahve to narrow it down some, mick. it would take ages leafing through it for a 30 some odd k pay out.

i picked him out the list on the wiki. level 5 downtown. this was the available list.

1055, 1304, 1350, 1351, 1361, 1429, 1488, 1519, 1520, 1880, 1961, 1986, 2521, 2748, 3292, 3800, 4029, 4516, 5128, 6296, 6653, 6959, 7256, 7272, 7359, 7718, 8014, 8361, 9945, 10200, 10953, 11545, 11757, 12193, 12541, 12880, 13132, 13201, 13265, 13454, 13578, 14243, 14459, 14688, 16314, 16567, 16780, 17726, 18021, 18133, 18316, 19265, 19755, 20035, 20360, 20474, 20768, 21958 23429, 23970, 24734, 24931, 25004, 25058, 25266, 25456, 25501, 25590, 25723, 25924, 26079, 26331, 27593, 29107, 29240, 29496, 32262, 32560, 34509

You'll have to up your level to Inpace's to get some attention, we don't get off our asses for less than 500k.
anyone wanna contribute to a non profit contest fund then? low leves should be tryin at least 36k is alot to a level 8
i woulda pitched if i wasnt high all day
(2012.Apr.20 07:49 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]i woulda pitched if i wasnt high all day

lucky I was gunna get high around a bonfire but no rain fucked me over so Im doin it tomorrow so Happy 4/21!
i'll smoke one for u here in a little man
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