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Full Version: the lotto idea....
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I'd rather not wait on a good idea, besides, we can do this ourselves.

I was thinking.... $1k a ticket, weekly drawing, and I'll make the first one a minimum 50k into the first pot just to make it worthwhile, on my expense

No limit on the number of tickets bought.

Will have to come up with a way to draw the winner, might do a tickets in the hat with names kind of thing.... would make a youtube video fo it being done so no one feels cheated.

anything to see your pretty face
You could use a random generator which you would have to put the names or id's or both into the generator and hit the button and it's done.
(2012.Apr.13 05:01 PM)Breeze Wrote: [ -> ]You could use a random generator which you would have to put the names or id's or both into the generator and hit the button and it's done.

nope, youtube video or GTFO!
inpace pm me the details please. Wink
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