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I'm back cunts.
Monk Christ. ressurected.
What is a cunt?
(2012.Apr.09 12:07 PM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]What is a cunt?

Better yet. What is a back cunt?
it stands for Cant Understand Normal Thinking
Pay homage AL.
Monk we missed you.

But get rid of that goofy fuck in your clan.
you do realize that after 40 days you have to ascend into heaven, right monk?
(2012.Apr.09 01:45 PM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ]Monk we missed you.

But get rid of that goofy fuck in your clan.

Hey leave me alone
(2012.Apr.09 03:09 PM)spacebird Wrote: [ -> ]you do realize that after 40 days you have to ascend into heaven, right monk?

(2012.Apr.09 01:45 PM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ]Monk we missed you.

But get rid of that goofy fuck in your clan.

Only if Killabeez boot you. We are all entitled to one retard.
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