that the only gang in recent memory to be dropped into nonexistence, is death's anarchy?
i'm trying to compile a history of al blog and can only think of them as being so weak that they couldn't stand. i reckon it was bael and the other kbs that tipped them for good.
Bael was the mastermind behind it. Since Dave wouldn't leave Asprina and I alone, CGD joined in along with Assasin and a few others.
yup...i was the spearhead (bad easter pun?) but most of the credit goes to GCD. They did a lot of the work, and in the process proved themselves good and loyal friends.
Thx guys ")
Much love for CG, even if Aspirina and Cissero stink of Dingus spooge.
Bitch you still owe me weapons

alright, so without getting into who did what, is it accurate to say that death's anarchy couldn't handle being a gang and, therefore, was sent into extinction against their will?
(2012.Apr.09 06:21 AM)spacebird Wrote: [ -> ]alright, so without getting into who did what, is it accurate to say that death's anarchy couldn't handle being a gang and, therefore, was sent into extinction against their will?
Yeah.... that would be safe to say
would it also be a safe assessment that promqueen (aka derpdiggler) is such a failure that he can't even get himself banned?
reason being (as cipher told me himself) there is no point in banning retards.
Than why did Bender get feded he asked for it...
Porn Is asking to
A lot of gangs come and go, for a lot of reasons. It depends what you classify as a gang
(2012.Apr.09 06:57 AM)Dreadwind Wrote: [ -> ]Than why did Bender get feded he asked for it...
Porn Is asking to
the major difference here is that bender wasn't retarded.
it's like the court of law. if you can not defend yourself due to a metal deficiency, then what he says/does doesn't carry any real validity.